Monday, September 8, 2014

21 Before 22

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Alleyyyy, happy birthday to me! If you haven't guessed today is my birthday, my 21st birthday to be precise. ;) This year I've decided to pick 21 things I want to accomplish before I turn 22.

1. Learn to crochet
2. Journal daily
4. Give 10%
5. Read 12 leisure books
6. Go to a drive-in movie
7. Save 20%
8. Study Scripture daily 
9. Make plans to take the GMAT
10. Learn to {properly} fold fitted sheets

11. Take a solo trip
12. Have a special day with each of my family members
13. Learn to cook chicken on the stovetop
14. Run a 5k
15. Get a {small, conspicuous; i.e. don't freak Mom and Dad} tattoo
16. Go hiking
17. Have a no spend week 
18. Do the splits
19. Pray daily
20. Take a wine tasting class
21. Inspire someone to make their own list :)

Well I've got 365 day to cross everything off! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reviewsday Tuesday: Julep Maven

The other day while stalking browsing Facebook, I notice an ad from Julep about an offer for a free Welcome box. I'm not one for being super into make up or nails but for free why not?

What's neat about Julep Maven is it's a personalized subscription. To start, you take a quiz to determine your style profile (I got Classic with a Twist) and head to checkout. From there you'll fill out the usual shipping and billing addresses and pay for your box. Pay? Alley, I thought this was a FREE box. Don't worry m'dears it is… shipping however is not. Don't worry it was about $3 and comes through the U.S.  Postal Service. (And very quickly at that!)

Now the best part: what's in it!

This box came with a little welcome pamphlet and a promo code for 50% off your next purchase. But the really fun stuff was the two Classic with a Twist nail polishes. Maddy, a raspberry sorbet shimmer polish, and Madison, a tropical coral crème polish. It also came with their Mighty Nail & Cuticle Serum. Which is like it sounds, a serum to repair dry, damaged cuticles for stronger, smoother nails. I also received two nail sponges/buffers. For only $3 this was a great deal and for $25 (the usual month price) or $20 (the monthly price if you buy a 3-month prepaid subscription) this a good deal as well. To buy the nail polishes and serum alone from their site would be $56 before shipping! 

Not only do you get a monthly box catered to your style, Mavens get other perks as well! The first is a 20% discount on all of their other products as well as free shipping on those orders. On the 1st of each month, The Secret Store opens with exclusive deals for a few days; because I just ordered my Welcome Box the few days I haven't personally seen this yet but I can't wait to check it out! Then from the 20th-24th of each month, you can preview and customize your box and on the 27th the boxes start shipping.

Another cool perk is Jules or reward points. Each box you receive earns you Jules, as well as points from referring others, on your birthday (and during your anniversary month), even just signing up today earns you a few!  

Use the promo code FREEBOX at checkout!

I was not paid or sponsored by Julep for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own! The referral link above does grant me some of those lovely Jules points I talked about earlier. ;)  

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Reviewsday Tuesday: Drink Mixes

I have always been a big water drinker; my Camelbak travels with me almost everywhere! Now that summer's thankfully arrived, I've been wanting to mix it up a little (pun fully intended!) So here's a short review of my favorites.

Starbucks VIA Refreshers
This mix is probably my favorite although it's no match its in-store counterpart. The only down side is that it's 70 calories per packet and most mixes are about 10.

Lipton Tea and Honey
I'm not a huge fan of iced tea but Lipton's Tea and Honey mixes are great! I think because they're mostly fruit flavored green teas they're a bit more palatable. We also have some of the liquid kinds that I've yet to try.  

Crystal Lite
I recently picked up a box of Crystal Lite with Caffeine on-the-go packets, I got the Wild Strawberry flavor and it was pretty good.I'm also a fan of their original Lemonade flavor and can't wait to try some more.

Does anyone have suggestions for their favorite brands or flavors? 
Has anyone tried the liquid the kinds, how are they?

Disclaimer: I am not receiving any reimbursement from these reviews (though if they'd like to send me money I'd be cool with it!) 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Almost Everything You Wanted to Know about Prayer Journals…Almost ;)

My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life  many years and bring you prosperity. - Proverbs 3: 1-2

For the past few weeks I've added something new to my prayer life and time with the Lord. It's inexpensive, portable, adaptable, and honestly something I wish I had started a long time ago. By this post's title you can probably guess what it is. ;) A prayer journal. 

You may be sitting there thinking "Um, no. I'm not a writer, I'm not a journal-er," or maybe "I tried that and got nothing out of it." Yep, I feel you because I thought those things as well. But after some gentle nudging (so gentle I'm sure they didn't even realize they were) by a friend I decided to give it another shot. And boy is it good, and let me elaborate why.

A sample page from my journal.
Sidenotes: the "summary, questions, insights, etc. are actually from Matthew 12 not 11.
Also the PostIts are to cover up prayer requests for the sake of privacy. Sorry.

- A Way to Look Back and Reflect
I'm nostalgic about pretty much everything. In the short time I've had this journal I already love reading previous entries. It's funny to see what was on my heart a few days or the week before, and how Jesus has come into my life with those answers, encouragement, and love. I can't wait to look back months or years from now and smile (or shake my head) at what past Alley was thinking.   

- Getting Things Down
I find that actually writing out a concern or prayer usually I makes me think about it more deeply. This is especially helpful in cases where I feel overwhelmed. This is also great when I'm talking with others about something that's been rough or hard to deal with; instead of saying "not good" or "I don't know" (which are perfectly honest answers, just not helpful) when asked "what's wrong?" I can at least have a starting point to explain. 

- Remembering Scripture
I highlight, underline, and sometimes use Washi tape in my Bible, but simply highlighting isn't enough to help us remember. The act of writing/rewriting is what really helps commit stuff to memory.  Even if all I do write a brief summary of the Bible chapter or section of the chapter I've just read, I can better recall it when I need to.

- Processing Scripture
Again, writing things down tends to make me think more deeply about them. An epiphany or question about what I've just read can be easily added to a summary.
    Some sample questions to ask yourself.
    - The 5W's. Who wrote this book? Were they writing it to someone? Why?
    - What does this even mean? Is there a major lesson I can take away from this book, chapter, or       verse? Such as a command to obey, a sin to avoid, a promise to rejoice in, etc.? 

Maybe you're thinking ok, sounds good, what do I need? Four things and you're set.

A page of my Bible, naturally covered in washi tape and highlighting.

An open heart. This is arguably the most important thing. Simply let the Lord come into your heart, be open to His Spirit, and enjoy your fellowship and communion with Him. :)
 Something to write in. It doesn't have to be fancy, a simple notebook will do. But if you prefer a leather-bound and locked diary go for it.
Something to write with. Pens, pencils, markers, it's all good
A Bible. If you're new to studying the Bible I suggest a) a study Bible -they tend to have lots of nice "extras" and explanations to help process what's going on and b) an easier to understand translation, I have the NIV translation and like it well enough.

Some additional recommendations. 

 A plan. This doesn't have to be anything super complicated. If you are new to studying the Bible, I recommend the following method. (I say this as a 20-year-old girl who has found it works well for me, and not as a professional theologian.) Start with the New Testament: one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), then one of the letters of St. Paul (Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, or Philemon), then an Old Testament book like Psalms or Proverbs. I find that one or two chapters a day is good (though three or four Psalms is manageable due to their shorter length.) 

A routine. This is two-fold; one part is setting aside a specific time each day to study, journal, and pray. I find that most people either do this after waking up or before bedtime, but if you are certain you'll be too tired at either of these times, the middle of the day is good too. The other part is for the actual time in the Word and a nice method is to Pray that you will be open to what Lord will teach you. Read and Write any summaries, 5W's, questions, or applications, etc. Pray again in thanksgiving for what you've learned, asking for clarity if you don't understand something, or both. Tell someone, this could be asking advice from a spiritual adviser, shared in a small group, or giving someone else advice.

This was super long but I really hope it helped or inspired you to add to your prayer life! 

Another page from my Bible.

Do you have any other journaling, Bible study, or prayer life tips?


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Easy Binder Organization

Since starting college how I organized my classwork has changed drastically. Folders and spirals for the first time in forever (they'll be music, they'll be fun... sorry but I couldn't resist a Frozen reference). 

And this new system really works well for me. It's much friendlier on my back! Now that I'm carrying around so many textbooks, binders were really out of the question. Although I have had at least one "looseleaf textbook" each semester due to the sheer size of the book (this semester it's actually just 100+ page financial report we're working with all semester); in which case I would only put a spiral and the chapters we were working on in it.  

But in High School, I used a very different system that I loved. Each class had a binder and each binder was set up the same way using 5 dividers with tabs.

The first divider was labelled "To Do" and is exactly what the name implied: it housed my homework for that night which was often a worksheet or packet section. I also put any homework calendars, monthly/unit overview sheets, or project rubrics here. (Once my homework was finished I would put it right before the "To Do" so it was easy to find.) 

The second divider was labelled "Current Topic" and is, again, very self explanatory. Any notes, handouts, or finished homework from the chapter or unit being worked on went here and was always in chronological order.

The third divider was labelled "Past Topics." Basically once we were tested on the "Current Topic" that section was moved here. This was really nice when it came time for midterms/finals because all the notes were here and uncluttered.

The fourth divider was labelled "Reference." This was almost always the smallest binder section and usually housed the course syllabus and anything that would be used consistently throughout the semester. Some examples being the Periodic Table in Chemistry, formula sheets in Physics or math classes, special grammar handouts for French, etc. 

The final divider was labelled "Paper" and you guessed it, it had plenty of looseleaf stocked up.

This method was fantastic because I always knew where to find my homework (both To Do and to turn in), to look for notes from last class, and to not worry about misplacing my syllabus because they were in their assigned spots.

What do you use for your class organization system? 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

What's In My Agenda

So this is a follow up to another post about how I organize my baby agenda. First, a disclaimer: these are tips and tricks that work FOR ME, customization is key to lasting organization. I suggest you at least try them but if you know one of these tips will not work with your lifestyle skip it or adapt it and find something that does work. Now, let's get started.

- To organize an agenda or planner you first need to get an agenda! It doesn't have to super fancy or expensive but I do suggest an actual planner over a simple notebook. I have this Five Star one from Mead and it's perfect! 

I love the vertical layout and simple cover but if horizontal chunks and Lilly Pulitzer, Jonathan Adler, or your school's agenda are more your speed go for because this thing is going to be with you for a LONG time!

- Next comes the color coding aka my favorite part! At the beginning of the semester I assign each of my classes and activities a color. Everything related to it is that color: it's folder, spiral, and highlighter. When I see a green box next to something on my To Do list I immediately know it's for MKTG345.

-  Finally, use your planner! WRITE STUFF DOWN! It should be one of the first things you put in your backpack and one of the first things you pull out in class or when you sit down to study, do homework, etc. And the (in my opinion) most fun part, CROSS STUFF OFF! Seeing the fruits of your efforts is super fulfilling and excellent motivation. 

What are some of your agenda organizing tips?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

On Repeat: The Beatles

This weekend marked the golden anniversary of The Beatles arrival in the U.S. and their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. Being my favorite band I listen to a LOT of Beatles' music and today is no different. Here's a sampling of my favorites.  

In My Life
- I've already decided this will be what my father-daughter dance will be at my wedding.

Across the Universe
- Although this song is not intended to be a worship song by any means, I can't help but feel closer to The Lord while listening to it. Maybe it's something about how the minutiae of life is contrasted with the phrase Jai guru deva ohm which means "victory to God divine."

Eight Days a Week
- So upbeat and fun to dance to! This is another future wedding song.

Octopus's Garden
- This kid's I nanny and babysit for love this song and I can see why. It's so sweet and almost sounds like it could be a cartoon.

Here Comes the Sun
- Who can't help but smile when they hear this song? I always think the scene in The Parent Trap when it comes on.

Let it Be
- Basically perfect.

Hey Jude
- Again, basically perfect and a great crowd pleaser. It was so fun singing this at the Paul McCartney concert with 40,000 others.

There's so many more I didn't include for the sake of keeping this post a bearable length.

But surprise! Here's a quick clip of that first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show! I couldn't resist. :)

What are your favorite Beatles' songs?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Freedom: Reflection on GΓΣΣK Retreat

This weekend was one of the most fun weekends I have ever had in my life. To be with roughly 150 members of UL's Greek community as well as fifteenish students from UT, University of Florida, and Tulane. I learned a lot and bonded a lot with my sisters. Here's a run of how the weekend went. 

Well after working and a quick visit to the clinic to get my eyes checked out, I went over to Our Lady of Wisdom and the Catholic Student Center to help out with a few administration-y set up things and prayer for the retreat. Then after check-in was complete we got together with our family groups and ate dinner. Sadly, it was chik-fil-a sandwiches which while delicious do not make the cut for my New Year's Resolution. Then it was time for the bus ride up to Tall Timbers retreat center. One we got there we found our cabins and then went to the opening session. We watched this video which led to our discussion on the retreat's theme: Freedom. We then had time with our chapters to talk about whatever we wanted. This led to some really engaging discussion and questions. After a joke about getting Father Sibley to answer some questions we went out to find him and ask. He and Father McIntyre stayed to answer our questions for almost an hour.

Our cabin was one of the few that didn't have hot water this weekend, not only that but the water pressure was horrible. This led to a very quick shower with most of the shampoo still left in my hair. We then had a catechetical mass, which is essentially a teaching mass and Father explains what's going on and WHY. It was really cool because he related it all back to Greek life and Rituals. We then had lab sessions about different topics I went to one about why Catholic do what we do, basically pick a Priest's brain round two. ;) We had free time for games like bazooka ball, volleyball, air hockey, hikes, studying, napping, etc. After this time we went to separate men's and women's labs. We had one about Finding the One (#plottwist it's Jesus) and I went to one about regret. We got then got back with our chapters and later family groups for more hanging out and discussion. Then maybe my second favorite part Adoration. I love being in the physical presence of Jesus and having that time to spend with Him. I also went to confession for the first time in almost 12 years. Finally my night wound down at the bonfire and a hike through the middle of the woods at night. I was pretty waiting for Jason to come get us the entire time. How I even fell asleep that night is a miracle. 

We met with our family groups to discuss our experiences and how we can bring what we've learned to schools and chapters. We had mass, then chapter time (which double-dutied for packing time) and it was back to UL.

For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit to the yoke of slavery. - Galatians 5:1. 

Sorry this post was such an info dump but I had to write it all down! 
What are some of your retreat experiences? 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What's in My Backpack?

The Spring Semester is in now in full swing! Today I figured I would show what I keep in my backpack. I love these kind of posts!

My Backpack: I got this black Heckler for Christmas 2011 and I love it! North Face is an awesome, quality brand; a little over two year's with this puppy and it's still strong as ever! I also like the classic black color because it will always match what I'm wearing.

What goes with me everyday. Not pictured: Sunnies

My Agenda: In high school I usually just bought the $5 school agenda that was sold during registration but last year I got one from Target that I absolutely loved! It's a Five Star academic-year planner from Mead. I realized the vertical layout isn't for everyone but it's perfect for me; it feels like there's a lot more space to work with! I also love the check boxes to see what I've done and what I have yet to down. (Another post later on how I organized my baby agenda.) 

Pencil Pouches: I really love using cosmetic bags because they're lined to protect from makeup spills which translates perfectly for pen and highlighter explosions. They also tend to be more fun than regular pencil pouches. Vera Bradley, Lilly Pulitzer, and Kate Spade are great places to start looking.
One is full of pens and pencils, an eraser, a flashdrive, Sharpies, Wite-Out minis, scissors, and a mini stapler. The other holds my graphing calculator. I also have a financial calculator.

Highlighters: Along with my agenda these are my babies! I use them everyday to organized my notes and classes!

My Waterbottle: I drink A LOT of water and love having my trusty Camelbak on me at all times.

Books and supplies for my Tuesday/Thursday classes.

My Umbrella: Rain seems to come out of nowhere in Louisiana, I like to have my umbrella on me incase a downpour strikes! Mine was a Christmas gift last year and is from Jonathan Adler.

My wristlet: Again this basically goes everywhere with me as it holds my phone, IDs, keys, and money.

I also keep tissues, a mini first-aid kit, Tide to Go pen, mini deodorant, handsantizer, face wipes, Advil, eyedrops, cuticle cream, feminine products, and Chapstick. 

Books and Supplies for my Monday/Wednesday and online class.

And of course spirals, folders, and textbooks! I have a spiral and folder for each class (and a highlighter, all in the same color.) I have textbooks for four of my classes but only bring what I need for that day. I have a binder for one class because it houses a 100+ page financial report we're using throughout the semester. I had a binder for each class in high school with my special organizing system. But for college it gets far too bulky.  

What are your backpack essentials?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Facts about Me

In no particular order...

1. I'm lefthanded
2. My heart is plagued with wanderlust
3. I love any and everything related to Harry Potter
4. Wisconsin is the most beautiful place in the world
5. I have to hang toilet paper with the flap behind the roll
6. I'm extremely obsessed with Disney (films, music, World, etc.)
5. I have a love/hate relationship with snow
6. My favorite movie is elf and I watch it year-round
7. Chandler Bing is my spirit animal
8. My car is named Hank (the Tank)
9. I'm majoring in Finance and (hopefully) minoring in Leadership 
10. I love organizing
11. Matthew is my favorite book of the Bible (specifically chapter 6)
12. Freshly cut grass, vinegar, and are some of my favorite scents
13. I have anxiety
14. Joining Alpha Omicron Pi was one of the best decisions of my life
15. I want to live abroad (preferably somewhere in the UK)
16. The Beatles are my favorite band
17. I love going to the movies by myself
18. I have a huge crush JFK (don't ask)
19. I'm addicted to pinterest and twitter 
20. Brushing my teeth calms me down when I feel stressed

What are some quirky facts about you?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Plan

So now that the semester has started and craziness is setting in, I'm making a plan to keep me on schedule on with where I want this blog to go. Here it is.

Each week I'll be having the following posts
- songs I've become obsessed with
- how I organize different aspects of my life
- funny things I've discovered over the week

- favorites of the month
- goals I have for the month
- 2014 Resolution progress

I can see this already helping me create a better blog with more reasonable goals. :)

What posts would you like to see?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

On Repeat

When I like a song I tended to find it on Spotify and listen to on repeat until I can't stand it anymore. Too much of a good thing eh? So here's what I've been playing and haven't gotten sick of quite yet.

The Mango Tree - Gareth Bush: I can't remember where I first heard it but this song is a little slice of heaven. Fave line: When your heart and mind just don't agree// Meet me at the mango tree. 

Wake Up - Arcade Fire: I definitely remember hearing this for the first time in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty during the airport/airplane montage. 

Pompeii - Bastille: Again not sure where I heard it, I just really like the chanting.

The Soundtrack to Frozen: Disney is always perfect IMHO but Frozen was really something special and the soundtrack doesn't disappoint. Picking a favorite track is really hard but I'd go with In Summer, Love is an Open Door (which is surprisingly dark in hindsight, but really perfect: four for you Disney, you go Disney), and Vuelie. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Go to the Movies Alone

Disclaimer: In the event that this post becomes widely circulated across social media (though I doubt it will), please remember if you do not agree you are welcome to do so, but this is my blog and these are my opinions. Thanks. :)


I like being alone. Just me. By myself. Solitude.

Please, don't misunderstand, I'm not a loner. I DO have friends. I really enjoy being with people and (I think) I'm very friendly and social. The alone I'm talking about is the alone where it's just me, likely at home in my room bingeing on Netflix. That's actually probably a little too accurate...

Or maybe the alone that comes with, say, running errands. (Aimlessly and leisurely strolling around Target with a venti Valenica Orange Refresher from Starbucks is pretty much my fave.)

It's NOT the alone where you're by yourself but surrounded by people. More clearly, the alone where you're by yourself but are almost expected to be with others, like a meal in a crowded restaurant or at the movies. THAT alone nearly gives me heart palpitations.

For the longest time going to the movies by myself was on my bucket list. Until it was crossed off last summer. :) Because honestly, you NEED to know how to be that kind of alone.

You might be asking yourself, ok why do I need to know how to be that kind of alone? Or more likely, who are you to tell me I need to know? So first some background.

I clearly remember telling some of my older relatives that going to movies by myself was on my bucket list. Most of them didn't care; in the sense that they didn't see why it was worthy enough to be on my bucket list. "Because..." I said, "It's by yourself, you're not supposed to go to movies by yourself."
"But what if you REALLY want to see that film and no one else does," one countered, "or you have two hours to kill?" I then realized the more important point: why aren't you supposed to go alone? It's dark, you can't really talk to anyone anyways, who cares? Well, still me, but why?

In short: it's vulnerable, you don't have anyone to distract you from yourself. There's no deflection. There was a quote I remember seeing around pinterest a lot a while back, erroneously attributed to writer Oscar Wilde, that said some along the lines of "You have to know how to be by yourself and not defined by another person." The popular quote was actually coined by actress Olivia Wilde (good try Internet) about her then recent divorce.

You need to be you outside of being a gaggle of friends or someone's date. Well, maybe that's a bit harsh; you do need other's to define you a little... just not all the time. Because at some point, you will be that {scary} kind of alone and, in all likelihood, a stranger is not going to come save you.

So why not start learning how at the 8pm Friday showing of that new blockbuster you’ve been dying to see?

(a pic from when I was actually the only one in the theatre)


If you’ve stayed that whole way a big thanks to you!
Again: If you disagree, write a response why I’m all wrong (we’ll both grow from it.)

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Favorite Moments of 2013

This post is pretty late coming but I don't really care. #sorrynotsorry We're not even a week into 2014, a little reminiscing now won't hurt anyone. There was a lot that happened last year so let's look back.

One of the greatest things this year was joining my amazing sorority Alpha Omicron Pi! I've made many wonderful memories with my sisters but here's a few that will be hard to top!

My Bid Day
Getting my Big
Experiencing Formal Recruitment
Getting my Little

I also experience my first official Louisiana MARDI GRAS... on a mini mission trip to Taylor, Arkansas and Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia, Arkansas. It was for Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship's Mardi Gras Outreach and it was a blast!

-our team with Pastor Jimmy-

My first crawfish boil! Very delicious and I can't wait for Lagniappe Week 2014!

Seeing Sir Paul McCartney at Miller Park this summer with one of my best friends!

He's really excited for his concert ;)

I don't having any pictures of it but camping with my best friends in June.

My cousin Chad and his wife Kendra's wedding in August.

What were your favorite moments of 2013? What are you looking forward to in 2014?