Sunday, February 2, 2014

Freedom: Reflection on GΓΣΣK Retreat

This weekend was one of the most fun weekends I have ever had in my life. To be with roughly 150 members of UL's Greek community as well as fifteenish students from UT, University of Florida, and Tulane. I learned a lot and bonded a lot with my sisters. Here's a run of how the weekend went. 

Well after working and a quick visit to the clinic to get my eyes checked out, I went over to Our Lady of Wisdom and the Catholic Student Center to help out with a few administration-y set up things and prayer for the retreat. Then after check-in was complete we got together with our family groups and ate dinner. Sadly, it was chik-fil-a sandwiches which while delicious do not make the cut for my New Year's Resolution. Then it was time for the bus ride up to Tall Timbers retreat center. One we got there we found our cabins and then went to the opening session. We watched this video which led to our discussion on the retreat's theme: Freedom. We then had time with our chapters to talk about whatever we wanted. This led to some really engaging discussion and questions. After a joke about getting Father Sibley to answer some questions we went out to find him and ask. He and Father McIntyre stayed to answer our questions for almost an hour.

Our cabin was one of the few that didn't have hot water this weekend, not only that but the water pressure was horrible. This led to a very quick shower with most of the shampoo still left in my hair. We then had a catechetical mass, which is essentially a teaching mass and Father explains what's going on and WHY. It was really cool because he related it all back to Greek life and Rituals. We then had lab sessions about different topics I went to one about why Catholic do what we do, basically pick a Priest's brain round two. ;) We had free time for games like bazooka ball, volleyball, air hockey, hikes, studying, napping, etc. After this time we went to separate men's and women's labs. We had one about Finding the One (#plottwist it's Jesus) and I went to one about regret. We got then got back with our chapters and later family groups for more hanging out and discussion. Then maybe my second favorite part Adoration. I love being in the physical presence of Jesus and having that time to spend with Him. I also went to confession for the first time in almost 12 years. Finally my night wound down at the bonfire and a hike through the middle of the woods at night. I was pretty waiting for Jason to come get us the entire time. How I even fell asleep that night is a miracle. 

We met with our family groups to discuss our experiences and how we can bring what we've learned to schools and chapters. We had mass, then chapter time (which double-dutied for packing time) and it was back to UL.

For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit to the yoke of slavery. - Galatians 5:1. 

Sorry this post was such an info dump but I had to write it all down! 
What are some of your retreat experiences? 

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