Monday, September 8, 2014

21 Before 22

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Alleyyyy, happy birthday to me! If you haven't guessed today is my birthday, my 21st birthday to be precise. ;) This year I've decided to pick 21 things I want to accomplish before I turn 22.

1. Learn to crochet
2. Journal daily
4. Give 10%
5. Read 12 leisure books
6. Go to a drive-in movie
7. Save 20%
8. Study Scripture daily 
9. Make plans to take the GMAT
10. Learn to {properly} fold fitted sheets

11. Take a solo trip
12. Have a special day with each of my family members
13. Learn to cook chicken on the stovetop
14. Run a 5k
15. Get a {small, conspicuous; i.e. don't freak Mom and Dad} tattoo
16. Go hiking
17. Have a no spend week 
18. Do the splits
19. Pray daily
20. Take a wine tasting class
21. Inspire someone to make their own list :)

Well I've got 365 day to cross everything off!