Saturday, February 22, 2014

What's In My Agenda

So this is a follow up to another post about how I organize my baby agenda. First, a disclaimer: these are tips and tricks that work FOR ME, customization is key to lasting organization. I suggest you at least try them but if you know one of these tips will not work with your lifestyle skip it or adapt it and find something that does work. Now, let's get started.

- To organize an agenda or planner you first need to get an agenda! It doesn't have to super fancy or expensive but I do suggest an actual planner over a simple notebook. I have this Five Star one from Mead and it's perfect! 

I love the vertical layout and simple cover but if horizontal chunks and Lilly Pulitzer, Jonathan Adler, or your school's agenda are more your speed go for because this thing is going to be with you for a LONG time!

- Next comes the color coding aka my favorite part! At the beginning of the semester I assign each of my classes and activities a color. Everything related to it is that color: it's folder, spiral, and highlighter. When I see a green box next to something on my To Do list I immediately know it's for MKTG345.

-  Finally, use your planner! WRITE STUFF DOWN! It should be one of the first things you put in your backpack and one of the first things you pull out in class or when you sit down to study, do homework, etc. And the (in my opinion) most fun part, CROSS STUFF OFF! Seeing the fruits of your efforts is super fulfilling and excellent motivation. 

What are some of your agenda organizing tips?

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