Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Alleyyyy, happy birthday to me! If you haven't guessed today is my birthday, my 21st birthday to be precise. ;) This year I've decided to pick 21 things I want to accomplish before I turn 22.
1. Learn to crochet
2. Journal daily
4. Give 10%
5. Read 12 leisure books
6. Go to a drive-in movie
7. Save 20%
8. Study Scripture daily
9. Make plans to take the GMAT
10. Learn to {properly} fold fitted sheets
11. Take a solo trip
12. Have a special day with each of my family members
13. Learn to cook chicken on the stovetop
14. Run a 5k
15. Get a {small, conspicuous; i.e. don't freak Mom and Dad} tattoo
16. Go hiking
17. Have a no spend week
18. Do the splits
19. Pray daily
20. Take a wine tasting class
21. Inspire someone to make their own list :)
Well I've got 365 day to cross everything off!